Ops Room Association of Australia Inc.
The Association is a formation or gathering of former and serving personnel
of the Royal Australian Navy or other Navies, who have completed Radio
Direction Find (RDF), Radar Plotters (RP) & Combat System Operators (CSO)
Basic Course or equivalent Course.
Ops Room Association of Australia Inc.
© Copyright Ops Room Association of Australia Inc. 2017-24 - Incorporation Registration Number IA 12074 - Website Design - Furious
Join Us!
Membership is open to all Radar Branch Members
From any Navy…
Become a Member of our Association.
Rekindle old friendships and meet new “Oppos”
Ops Room Association of Australia Inc.
The Association is a formation or gathering of former and serving personnel of the Royal Australian Navy or other Navies, who have completed
Radio Direction Find (RDF), Radar Plotters (RP) & Combat System Operators (CSO) Basic Course or equivalent Course.
Former Special Duty Plot Radar (SDPR) Operations Room Officers (ORO) / Principal Warfare Officers (PWO[D]) Direction Officers (D) and Air
Intercept Controllers (AIC) having served in naval ops room billets or in training and support roles of naval ops rooms; and other individuals
who have an interest in naval operation rooms and the Fleet.
Ops - Bridge
ORA Financial Members Only
Please click the ID card below to contact webmaster.
Click Here
New Membership
Renew Membership
Has your Membership lapsed?
To renew your Association Membership…costs $10.00 per year,
to a maximum of (5) years in advance. If buying the Five (5) year
plan, the cost is $45.00 (Saving $5.00).
If you have previously joined the Association, and your
Membership has inadvertently lapsed… then please complete this
renewal application form.
Joining our Association
Membership is open to all Radar personnel from any Navy, that
has completed Radio Direction Find, Radar Plotters, & Combat
System Operators basic or equivalent courses.
The Association initial once only joining fee is $50.00 per person
plus $10.00 per year thereafter - to a maximum of five (5) years in
advance. If buying the Five (5) year plan, the cost is $45.00 plus the
applicable joining fee, (Saving $5.00).
New Membership
Renew Membership
RDF, RP, CSO Reunions
Our Association holds Reunions bi-annually, in various States of
Australia. These events are very popular and a great chance to
renew old friendships and make new oppos.
Reunions generally last for a three day period but, that does not
stop you from enjoying what the various host States, have to offer.
More information on RDF, RP, CSO Reunions are held within
our Members Area…
DVA Advocates
Are you seeking a DVA Advocate and don’t know where to start.
We have Advocates that are Ops Room Association Members
and are eager to help you in the sometimes difficult process.
Don’t enter the DVA minefield… unless you have a trained
Advocate to assist you.
To find out more Information on this Membership service please
enter the Members Area…
Captcha the QR Code or click on QR code to be taken to the
membership application form.
Captcha the QR Code or click on QR code to be taken to the
renew membership application form.
If unable to access the Members area.
You may have forgotten to renew your
Membership. To restore this…please
renew, or contact the webmaster.
Were you in Darwin for Cyclone Tracy help
If you would like to hear the interview of Gordon Lowe & Chris Mitchell on ABC Radio National - held on the 26th December 2024 at 8:35am
Subject: ADF Cyclone Tracy Award Recognition - Then please click the following link: