Ops Room Association of Australia Inc.

The Association is a formation or gathering of former and serving personnel of the Royal Australian Navy or other Navies, who have completed Radio Direction Find (RDF), Radar Plotters (RP) & Combat System Operators (CSO) Basic Course or equivalent Course.

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Membership within the Association may be in the form of any or all of the following classes: i. Full Members; ii. Associate Members; iii Life Members; iv. Honorary Members. Every registered member of The Association undertakes to contribute to the assets of The Association and in the event of the same being wound up while they are members, or within 1 year after they cease to be members, for payment of the debts and liabilities of The Association contracted before they ceased to be members and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustments of the rights of the contributions among themselves, such as may be required, not exceeding $20.

About Us

© Copyright Ops Room Association of Australia Inc. 2017-24 - Incorporation Registration Number IA 12074 - Website Design - Furious
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Our growth

Since the Association started in 2017 we have experience a steady growth of Membership. We welcome any new Members to the Association. Reunions are held every two years in different States of Australia. The next reunion is sheduled for Perth in 2024.

Ops Room Association

The Association is a formation or gathering of former and serving personnel of the Royal Australian Navy or other Navies, who have completed Radio Direction Find (RDF), Radar Plotters (RP) & Combat System Operators (CSO) Basic Course or equivalent Course. Former Special Duty Plot Radar (SDPR) Operations Room Officers (ORO) / Principal Warfare Officers (PWO[D]) Direction Officers (D) and Air Intercept Controllers (AIC) having served in naval ops room billets or in training and support roles of naval ops rooms; and other individuals who have an interest in naval operation rooms and the Fleet.

Associate Members

Life Members

Honorary Members

Honorary Membership may be bestowed by the National Executive on any person who has rendered special service to The Association. All Honorary Members are to be reviewed AGM to AGM. A person admitted as an Honorary Member shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the provisions of this Constitution and the Association's Constitution or Rules. An Honorary Member shall be entitled to receive notice of and attend the Association's plenary Meetings, but not: I. vote at any meeting; or, II. be eligible to hold any office in The Association.
The National Executive may award Life Membership of The Association to: A full member who has rendered 15 years’ exceptional service to the Association, on receipt of a recommendation from at least two other Full Members of the Association to that effect; or a member the Association who is deemed by a majority vote of the National Executive, to have provided extraordinary service to the Association at the National level, on receipt of a recommendation by a member of the National Executive. A person admitted as a Life Member shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the provisions of this Constitution and the Association's Constitution or Rules. The National Executive shall not award more than Two Life Memberships in any calendar year. No subscription or capitation fee shall be payable by or in respect of a Life Member. A Life Member shall be entitled to: Receive notice of the Association's plenary Meetings; Attend and vote at the Association's plenary Meetings; Be eligible to hold any office in The Association.
A person who has an interest in the Ops Room Association but is not entitled to join as a Full Member may be admitted to The Association as an Associate Member. A person admitted as an Associate Member shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the provisions of this Constitution or Rules. An Associate Member shall be liable to pay any prescribed subscription or levy to the Association. An Associate Member shall be entitled to receive notice of and attend their Association's plenary Meetings, but not: vote at any meeting; or, be eligible to hold any office in The Association. receive notice of the Association plenary Meetings.
Former and serving personnel of the RAN or other navies who have completed Basic RDF/RP/CSO course or in any support role in the training of Ops Room personnel may be admitted to The Association as a Full Member. Former SDPR ORO, PWO(D), D's AIC's. A person admitted as a Full Member shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the provisions of this Constitution and the Association's Constitution or Rules. A Full Member shall be liable to pay any prescribed subscription or levy to the Association. A Full Member shall be entitled to: receive notice of the Association's plenary Meetings; attend in person or electronically to vote at the Associations Plenary Meetings; and,be eligible to hold any office in the Association.

Full Members

Association Aims The aims of The Association established are to: 1 Unite former and serving RDF/RP/CSO personnel; 2 Maintain the bonds of friendship and esprit de corps in Naval/Ops room traditions; 3 Assist with the welfare of former and serving RDF/RP/CSO/ops room personnel and their families; 4 Provide a forum for RDF/RP/CSO/ops room matters; 5 Foster the preservation of the history Radar RDF/RP/CSO and Ops Rooms in the RAN; 6 Do all such other things to promote and further the objects of the Association; and, 7 Apply the property and the income of the Association solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members, except in good faith in the promotion of those objects.